Bread donations a blessing

Brumby’s Ellenbrook have been supplying over 300 loaves per week of unsold bread in an effort to support the local community and tackle food...

Northern Valleys Packers and SecondBite partnership delivering the goods

Homeless and struggling citizens of Western Australia are enjoying the fresh and nutritious citrus products of the region thanks to a partnership between Northern...

Petition to tackle NorthLink WA’s noise issue

Shadow Minister for Transport Libby Mettam and Liberal Candidate for Swan Hills Rod Henderson met with residents of Bullsbrook and Ellenbrook on 10 June...

Containers for Change WA

On 2 June 2020, Containers for Change will launch in Western Australia. Containers for Change is our new statewide container deposit scheme that lets you...

No plastic? No problem!

If you care about the environment and want to reduce your use of plastic, you might want to try shopping at the Northern Valleys...

Devastating ripple effect of Coronavirus on WA Cray industry

The WA cray fishing season has come to a grinding halt with local cray fishing boats in Lancelin and Jurien Bay pulling up their...

Environment Minister at Jurien 2020

Alison Goundrey In January 2018 a rare gathering at the Jurien Bay Sport and Recreation Centre led to the creation of The Tending the Tracks...

Five million dollars spent to understand nature’s intent

Gingin Water Group During the preparation of the Gingin Groundwater Allocation Plan the Department of Water (now DWER) recognised the importance of better understanding how...

Moora’s Carnaby crusaders

Approaching the north end of Moora, the home of Carnaby crusader Wally Kerkhof is easy to spot. If you somehow manage to overlook the...

Tending the Temple

A lifelong love of growing fresh fruit and vegetables has led to the creation of the enigmatic ‘Temple of the Vegetable’ at the Chittering...

Professor Temple Grandin Visits Moora

Julie Walsh Meeting one of your heroes is always going to be a momentous occasion. When that hero is an internationally recognised mastermind in animal...

Born to be wild

As we head into wildflower season bright bursts of colour are starting to dot roadsides and nature reserves – and the unique Calingiri bushland...