Grass vs Grain

The question of whether grass or grain fed beef is better is a hotly contended issue, and all passionate cattle farmers will tell you...

Beef in the black

The grass is slick with rain at David and Sara Roe’s 1930 hectare grazing property Benalong, west of Gingin, and their handsome black angus...

Powered by the sun

The Loose Leaf Lettuce Company doesn’t need much by way of introduction. A Gingin success story, the company now harvests as much as 5...

Feast of Northern Valleys Flavours competition

We’re calling all local producers, food professionals and home cooks to send in a recipe which uses locally produced, in-season produce. The top 12...

Magnificent Mangoes

Locally grown mangoes are just weeks away from their peak, and the magnificent mango trees at Tony and Jenny Maddern’s Avalon orchard in Gingin...

Ripe for picking

Ann Graham of Burroloo Well Hydroponics is enjoying a bumper season of tomatoes this year, and the 500 odd plants in her hydroponics growing...

Chittering Farmers Markets

At the recent Lower Chittering Farmers Markets people came from near and far to enjoy a beautiful day outdoors at the Lower Chittering Hall. In...

Check out citrus!

Mandarins are fast becoming the favoured choice as they offer the perfect lunch box addition, easy to peel and less mess than oranges. Imperials are...

Citrus Season

The citrus season is here and the message from citrus growers is ‘buy WA citrus’! To celebrate the beginning of the season the WA citrus...
Terry at New Norcia Bakery

This, our daily bread

New Norcia’s resident master baker, the charismatic Terry Nuske is adamant that baking bread is as easy as cooking a roast. The ingredients are simple...

Old vine discovery

When Gail & Dan Bam purchased the 100 acre ‘Glenowen’ property in Bindoon in 1996 they had no idea about winemaking, just a lifelong...

Blooming Blueberries

Father and son, Derek and Marek Fisher, are understandably pretty excited about their new horticulture venture, blueberries. For the last few years they have built...