Home Community Belle Air Airlines Mystery Flight

Belle Air Airlines Mystery Flight


I assumed that the evening was going to be fun just from the idea of a mystery ‘flight’ with no plane, but the lovely Bindoon Belles had so much fun running the event that it was purely infectious! It’s clear that they love getting together and providing benefit to the community, and we (the community) just love that.

Partially with the aim of raising awareness and donations for the charity ‘Share the Dignity’, the Bindoon Belles conceived the idea of this ‘flight’, and at once every member of their team was on board — no pun intended! Can you imagine the logistics of making the Bindoon Town Hall look and feel like the inside of an airport and plane — and the mystery countries that the appreciative participants visited? Cute and inventive improvisations were everywhere — those small details that made us smile, point out to our friends, or even laugh out loud. The effects were such fun for the 70-odd guests who ‘travelled’ on Belle Air Airlines on Saturday 29 October.

We had to pass through security after handing our donation baggage to the uniformed flight attendants (there were some strange items visible in the ‘x-ray’ pictures on that screen!). We had thoughtful little details at our seats from travel sickness bags to oxygen masks, seatbelts, and plane windows to look out of.

I noticed Mr Bean gripping hard to the outside of the plane, and a giraffe who was so tall that her face was visible even at 30,000 feet! The pilot was a questionable professional, but clearly handsome and well-trained (in acting?). He seemed to have a vague idea of how to steer the plane to our various destinations, and smoothly flirted his way through the plane, and through the whole evening.

The flight was smooth between Australia and France (where the tasty treats were devoured by all), but between France and India there was so much turbulence that a hostess was thrown into my lap, and I feared for my glass of wine!

Thankfully, I knew I had my floaty ring under my first-class seat, so I was going to be alright if we had to ditch into the ocean. Our time in the USA was possibly the most fun, yet maybe that was more to do with the elapsed time in the evening and the drinks being enjoyed.

On the flight home, strangely the plane sounded more like a lawn mower than a jet, but there may have been reasons for that.
Thanks, Bindoon Belles, for a ton of fun, and for the infectious contagion being laughter, not some virus.