Home Health & Fitness Thank you for your contribution!

Thank you for your contribution!


Make your contribution! It’s core to your wellbeing.

This year April ends as it begins with self-giving contribution.
ANZAC celebrations reflect on the courage and selflessness of those who for the sake of the broader community paid an unimaginable price. Some lost their lives. Others carried the burden of war through their lives. Christian Easter celebrations reflect on the self-giving love that motivated Jesus Christ’s death, and then his resurrection. The Christian way of life has this self-giving-love at its very core.

In both cases, Jesus and ANZACs, giving for others trumps the personal cost. The same is true of parents’ unseen costly love. It’s true for employers and for employees. True for students grappling with texts in the middle of the night. True for unseen artists wrestling to perfect their craft. True for lovers. True for administrators. True for athletes… It’s as true for dreamers as for bean-counters. To see yourself making a contribution, even at personal cost, is core to your wellbeing.

The opposite of course is “making it all about me.” Enough said about that.

Contribution matters neurologically too! It’s unhealthy to get a dopamine spike for no good reason. Dopamine is that feel-good hormone/neurotransmitter we experience as a result of achievement. Core to its significance is the effort involved in pursuing a goal. Our neurology and endocrinology are hacked by social media platforms; we can ‘achieve’ an addictive dopamine rush by doom-scrolling or by collecting ‘likes’ – despite contributing nothing of consequence. Our addiction then serves the platforms’ purposes. Your effort to contribute to others earns its dopamine-joy.

In the nyuu! Chiropractic approach, to Make a Contribution fits in the ‘think-well’ space. Thinking well is one of the transformative practices that bring about holistic wellbeing. It fits alongside moving well, eating well, and rest/recovering well.

As always, we’re glad to be available to help you pursue your full wellbeing potential. Give us a call.

The Nyuü! team.