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Muchea matters


Muchea has joined the Town Team Movement! A Town Team is a proactive group of positive doers working together to improve an area or place.

Town teams are positive and proactive organisations that include businesses, landowners and residents working collaboratively with their local government to improve a place or area, often a town centre or ‘main street’. Town teams:

• Provide vision and leadership for their place
• Are positive and proactive
• Are non-political in their approach
• Get stuck in and have a go rather than waiting for “someone else” to do “something”
• Independent from governments
• Run by the community for the community

Each team has different priorities and focuses, but all share this common approach.
The Muchea Town Team is open to anyone interested in the magnificent postcode that is 6501. To find out more visit www.townteammovement.com.

To join the Team or be added to the mailing list email mucheamatters@gmail.com or contact Michelle on 0417 978 601…because Muchea, matters.