Home Recipes Slow cooked beef brisket

Slow cooked beef brisket


Much as I would like to say this slow cooked brisket recipe has been passed down through the generations in my family, the truth is that it was appropriated from a completely different family heritage – and a fictional one at that!

Yes, somewhat embarrassingly, it was after watching Young Sheldon’s Meemaw courageously defend her secret slow cooked beef brisket recipe that I was intrigued to learn how to make this dish that is legendary in Texas, but actually originated from Jewish culture.

The brisket is a large, tough piece of meat from the chest of the cow. When marinated in sauces and spices, then cooked very low and very slow, it becomes deliciously fork-tender. The tough gristle turns to jelly, and the melted fat melds perfectly with sweet and sour gravy. The result is a hearty, satisfying slab of meat which can be served on rice, pasta, with vegetables, or — as we do in the Locavore Store — on a crisp, white roll with lashings of coleslaw, natural yogurt and cheese (pictured below).

Here’s how we make it – but of course, you will probably want to experiment and discover your own secret spice mix!

1 piece of beef brisket. We use a whole Tanamerah Beef brisket, approx 5 kilos, but you can use a half. Just modify the quantity to suit.

Spice list:
Cajun spice mix: 4 Tablespoons
Brown sugar: 2 Tablespoons
Onion powder: 1 Tablespoon
Lemon pepper: 1 Tablespoon
Paprika: 1 Tablespoon

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
2 cups hot water


• Place the brisket in a large baking tray and bring to room temperature. Blend the spice mix together in a large bowl, then use it to cover the whole brisket, patting down and rubbing into the skin.

• Add all the marinade ingredients to a saucepan and gently heat and stir until the mixture becomes a nice thick sauce.

• Pour the marinade mix into the baking tray with the brisket, scooping a little over the top but taking care not to wash away all the spices.

• Cover tightly with foil and cook at 120 deg C for 7-8 hours.

• When cooked, remove from oven and allow to cool a little before cutting into blocks and shredding to serve.