Home Recipes Healthy hash browns

Healthy hash browns


If you’ve read our cover story you’ll most likely be keen to try Fiona Mann’s delicious Block 275 cold-pressed canola oil! While it might sound a bit decadent to cook with such lovely oil, it’s well worth it — the high smoke point means you can get a nice crispy finish without burning, and the flavour is wonderful (no acrid greasiness — I promise).

I’ve also used this oil to make a great salad dressing and in the whole mandarin cake I make for the Locavore store. It’s healthy and works well with its nutty yet mild flavour.
Here’s how I made the hash browns…

• 3 large white potatoes,
• ½ white onion, finely chopped
• ¼ cup all-purpose flour (I used tapioca)
• ¼ cup grated romano cheese
•1 egg
• seasoning – salt and pepper, paprika, garlic salt – your preference
• 1 cup cold-pressed canola oil for frying

Scrub the potatoes clean and grate, (including peel). Place in a large bowl. Fill the bowl with cold water then rinse and drain.

Squeeze as much water as you can out. You can use a tea towel or paper towel to dry as much as you can before you mix in the onion, flour , cheese and seasoning.

Shape the mixture into hand-size ovals, squishing together as much as you can. Place on a baking tray and flatten to about a centimetre high.

I then air fried my hash browns for 3 minutes on each side before allowing to rest. You could freeze them at this stage, or refrigerate for later. If you don’t have an airfryer, try a few minutes in the sandwich press.

When you’re ready to serve, heat up the canola oil in a small non-stick frypan. Make sure the oil is at least half a centimetre deep and hot before you add the hash browns.

Fry at a medium to high heat on both sides until brown and crispy.

Serve hot with eggs, sweet chilli sauce or home-made passata.