Home News They come in peace…

They come in peace…


But they will make a lot of noise.

Black Hawk helicopters will be deployed over Perth as part of a one month series of counter terrorism exercises. Six black hawk helicopters have been flown in from New South Wales for the training and will be cruising the city’s skies late at night, often at low altitudes.

Major Tony Cameron, from the Army’s 6th Aviation Regiment, said the noise was an unfortunate side effect of the training, which needed to be as realistic as possible to ensure troops were ready if the real thing ever occurred.

Working with ground forces, including the Perth-based SAS Regiment, the helicopters will be involved in deploying troops on land and water, including by parachute. The exercises will involve the use of blank ammunition and simulated explosions.

The residents of the Northern Valleys are lucky to have the greatest chance of seeing and hearing them.

They will be working out of Pearce for about two weeks and have also maximized training at Bindoon, in order to minimise the noise impact to the CBD.

As the regional newspaper we were invited to join a publicity ride around the CBD and judging by the stopping cars and waves from school kids and office workers the noise seems to be forgiven. I’m not really sure why but the Black Hawk stirs such emotions in people; perhaps because it flies so incredibly low to the ground, makes
a deafening noise and is a huge feat of aerodynamics to lift over 10 tonne from the ground.

I expect dogs and horses will be glad to see them go but overall I think a welcome excitement for locals to experience. The ADF thanks local residents and businesses
for their cooperation and patience during this important training.