Home Lifestyle Marvick shines over east

Marvick shines over east


A very proud Mark Andrew and Vickie Shina of Marvick Farm returned from their Eastern States junket last week armed with two new trophies for the cabinet and an array of gold and silver medals to add to their packaging.

Taking out the Champion Agrumato and Best Flavoured oil in Show for their delicious Kaffir Lime oil at the Australian International Olive Awards held in Canberra on 27 October was definitely a highlight.

“Mark is very pleased with his awards as he has been working on the blends for 10 years. We entered all of the oils into the Australian International Olive Awards 2023: Red Center won Silver, Pearl, Jade Fingerlime, and Sunrise won Bronze. We were up against entries from around the world, Spain, Italy, Greece,” said Vickie.

“The Kaffir flavoured oil won Gold Champion Flavoured olive oil; then won best Flavoured Olive Oil of the show. It scored 94/100. This was the second highest score for all entries. An EVOO with a score of 95/100 beat us.

After scooping their awards the couple spent some time doing in-person tastings of their range of agrumato oils and frozen dessert limes which have just been picked up by Sydney QE Foodstore and its eleven outlets in the greater Sydney area.

You can taste Marvick Farm’s amazing agrumatos, frozen finger limes, marmalades and relishes locally at the Northern Valleys Locavore Store.