Home Business Buyers flocking to Bindoon for country lifestyle

Buyers flocking to Bindoon for country lifestyle


Harcourts Sales Representative Tayla Holmes has a long list of clients keen for a tree-change to picturesque Bindoon.

“They’re coming out of every bit of woodwork!” Tayla laughs. “Everyone is seeking that country lifestyle, a bit of freedom and quiet.”

Tayla credits a shift in traditional working arrangements, improved transport connections, and a stronger profile for the town, as reasons for Bindoon suddenly being on everyone’s radar.

“Among my most recent buyers, I would estimate that half of them are still working from home, or they are FIFO – so that daily commute isn’t an issue,” she explains.

“Everyone that was once wary of living out here because of travel, or lack of amenities, are realising that you can have all your immediate needs met, and that and it’s not that far to get what you need out of the area.

“Bindoon has really become this vibrant, family-focused town – the great community activities, access to fresh local produce, it is all a drawcard…80% of my buyers are young families.”

One of these young families are Tayla’s clients Lauren and Chris, who have recently made the move to Bindoon. They said, “We wanted to live a more rural lifestyle and be able to have our horses at home with us, however having a 4-year-old daughter, we were conscious of moving too far away from things.

“Bindoon has everything we need and more, without it being a crowded town. There are a lot of younger families here, which has made play dates and making friends less of a concern in regards to our daughter.”

Buyers PJ and Lisa searched everywhere from Mt Barker to Gingin before settling in Bindoon. They said, “We both loved the views and the opportunity to buy and work on a rural block that wasn’t too big or too small. We chose Bindoon because it offered both and more.

“In the short time we have been here we have met many of our neighbours and community members. Everyone has been friendly, helpful, and welcoming. By making friends here we have found another reason why we love Bindoon!”

Tayla is keen to be able to bring more new families to the town, and would love to hear from anyone who has been wondering if now is the right time to put their property up for sale. Tayla is conscious that this is a big decision for many families, that she is committed to guiding them through the process ensuring a smooth transition and a positive experience for all involved.

“I’ve never been about quick sales — although it is quick sales at the moment — and it sounds so cliche, but giving people the right experience is my priority,” said Tayla.
“I know that there are a lot of older generations and families that are super connected to their properties, that they’ve often lived in their whole lives.
“I love going into people’s homes and hearing stories about what they’ve done, and the memories they created there.

“So, while I obviously want to get the best price for my clients, it’s also about finding the right buyer for them – that might be finding a young family that can create memories and enjoy it in the way that they did.

“Price matters, and commission matters, don’t get me wrong — but the relationship with your agent matters.”

You can call Tayla on 0406 422 151 if you have any queries or would like to organise a free market appraisal.