Home Farming Supreme Poll – Boorabin Ram Sale

Supreme Poll – Boorabin Ram Sale



Iain and Lucy Nicholson, of Boorabbin enjoyed a successful Ram sale on September 26th. According to Elders livestock agent Preston Clarke, the loyal buyers provided a very strong result, with good local support and the rams were top quality. According to Iain the feed this year has been fantastic and the sheep have responded really well.

The top price Poll ram, which won Supreme Poll ribbon at the Central Midlands Moora Show, was purchased by Geraldton man Bruce Davidson for $1,700. Bruce has been buying at Boorabbin for a few years now. Iain recalls the first year Bruce came to the sale with his wife six years ago and bought a handful of rams. After the sale was over, Bruce was looking at the top price ram, and his wife said do you like that ram, “yeah I love him”. She responded with “I just bought him for you as a wedding anniversary present.”

The ram was called Bruno who went on to make a name for himself in Geraldton having “got around a bit”. He was horny in breed and personality. Bruno passed on about 12 months ago. According to Bruce, there wasn’t a fence that would keep him in, he mated half the neighbour ewes. Mind you the neighbours weren’t at all bothered to have Bruno come visiting – a prize winning ram doing his job. I suggested maybe the fences weren’t the problem but the neighbours were opening the gates for Bruno.