An introvert’s guide to isolating
I know, I know, it’s kind of hard to believe that I’m an introvert but I actually am. Whilst I do a pretty good...
Fool me once…
Every April we kick off the month by approaching everything we read online or in the paper with a healthy dose of scepticism. April...
Behind the Shelves: The Mothership
In Western Australia, Public Libraries are run by Local Governments, with many small Shires only having the one library (like us in Chittering), and...
Talk wordy to me
The English language is confusing, ever evolving, and at times completely nonsensical, and yet it has some lovely gems that are rarely used. Drop...
A New Year’s reading resolution
It’s that time of the year again when many of us make half-hearted promises to change our bad habits: eat better, spend less, be...
Book Review – Bunker: Building for the End Times by Bradley Garrett, narrated by...
I’m one of those people who are morbidly fascinated with all things disaster. From tsunamis, tornados, and nuclear war, to plagues, earthquakes, and meteor...
Back to basics – misspelled and misused words
Let’s face it – spellcheck has become an intrinsic part of everyday life. It doesn’t matter if you’re using word processing software or writing...
A link in the chain
I’ve always been a big advocate for the saying that libraries are more than just books. Not only do we have other resources to...
Battle of the Books – audio vs text
We’ve spoken before about ‘real’ books vs eBooks but there’s another highly volatile topic out there that sets reader against reader – is listening...
Childish delight
Like many book worms, I was a voracious reader as a child. I grew up in Roebourne and my sisters and I were regulars...
Television testimonials
There are very few people out there who haven’t sat down and binged on a TV series over the course of a weekend or...
The evolution of our library service
When the Federal Government made the call to close libraries to the public, I faced the challenge of implementing a contactless library service for...